First and foremost, I'd like to thank YCG Admin for opening this website all those years ago. This place has been my online home for so many years now, and I could not ever replace it. Coming here to check for new messages and threads has been as synonymous with starting my online day as checking my e-mail. It has been my absolute pleasure to be here every day (quite literally) for the past decade of my life. I am going to honestly miss this place like one misses their home town after moving. Without these forums, I'd never have progressed as much in Yu-Gi-Oh as I have, and while many of you know I'm not exactly the best player ever, I can only imagine how bad I'd be without you all.
Much appreciation to AirknightP, our mostly silent co-creator of this website, without whom I'm sure the guide, and therefor this forum, would not have been possible. Thanks to Alex, my predecessor, for attending to this site before I did. Thank you also to HaouJudai, former moderator who worked with me for a time when this forum was really busy. Thank you to every single member I had the pleasure of interacting with in these past 10 years. You have made this job very enjoyable, worth the fighting off of every spam bot known to man. I would raise a sword any time to defend this place for the lot of you. We might not have agreed on everything, and I probably annoyed some of you, but I'd gladly do it all again. It's been a memorable ride, and I hope most of you have had good memories here too.
Here's to all the good decks, great guides, bad decks, joke decks, silly games, amusing stories, friends, foes, and forum tournaments we've had over the years. I hope to see many of you come back at least one more time, if only just to give a proper goodbye. If you see this thread and know of an old member who hasn't visited in years, please invite them to help us send the forums off. Even if you no longer consider this place your home on the internet, you're welcome to say goodbye. Maybe let people know where you can be found. As for myself, I'll be around the internet. I'm on Twitch and Steam, and anywhere else you see the name MysticJhn, that would be me.