A Look at the Blue-Eyes White Destiny Structure Deck
The Blue-Eyes White Destiny Structure Deck will be on shelves in North American on Feburary 13th. The last time Yu-Gi-Oh saw a strucutre deck, in North America, was a little over a year ago with the release of Fire Kings. Recently Konami seems to have been using Speed Duel as its entry point product. Hopefully, with the pause in the Speed Duel product line, we will see more structure or starter decks released.
The Power of the Blue-Eyes Dragons:
Blue-Eyes White Destiny Structure Deck is a great starting point for a Blue-Eyes build; featuring nearly half of the cards in the archetype. Opening with 3 Blue-Eyes White Dragon, each with different art, this deck would make Season 1 Seto Kaiba jealous. It then includes 14 other Blue-Eyes Dragon monsters allowing those Normal Monsters to become something greater. The rest of the deck is filled out with all the expected support cards and features tech that you need to get your Dragons on the field.
This deck adds 8 new cards to help add consistency improve the archetype. The deck includes 3 new powerful monsters to build towards. Indigo-Eyes Silver Dragon is a strong Xyz/Effect monster that blanks the effects on the board and fetches and buffs normal monsters from off the field, like Blue-Eyes White Dragaon. Blue-Eyes Ultimate Spirit Dragon is a Synchro summon that protects your graveyard from banish effects, can negate a effect activation and replace itself when destroyed. Support cards like Maiden of White, Spirit with Eyes of Blue, Roar of the Blue-Eyed Dragons and Wishes for Eyes of Blue help you get what you need when you need it.