YuGiOh: Performage Trapeze Witch

Yu-Gi-Oh Card: Performage Trapeze Witch
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Performage Trapeze Witch
Type: Fusion/Effect Monster
Sub-Type: Spellcaster
Attribute: DARK
Level: 7
ATK: 2400
DEF: 1800
Text: 2 "Performage" monsters
"Performage" monsters you control cannot be destroyed by your card effects, also your opponent cannot target them with card effects. While you control a "Performage" monster, except "Performage Trapeze Witch", your opponent's monsters cannot target this card for attacks. When an attack is declared involving your "Performage" monster and an opponent's monster: You can make that opponent's monster lose 600 ATK.
Pendulum Scale:7
Pendulum Effect:
Password: 33206889
Printings Maze of the Master Booster Pack (MZTM-EN053) - 2025-03-14