YuGiOh: Aussa the Earth Charmer, Immovable

Yu-Gi-Oh Card: Aussa the Earth Charmer, Immovable
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Aussa the Earth Charmer, Immovable
Type: Link/Effect Monster
Sub-Type: Spellcaster
Attribute: EARTH
Link: South WestSouth East
ATK: 1850
Text: 2 monsters, including an EARTH monster
(This card is always treated as a "Familiar-Possessed" card.) You can target 1 EARTH monster in your opponent's GY; Special Summon it to your zone this card points to. If this Link Summoned card is destroyed by battle, or is destroyed by an opponent's card effect while in its owner's Monster Zone: You can add 1 EARTH monster with 1500 or less DEF from your Deck to your hand. You can only use each effect of "Aussa the Earth Charmer, Immovable" once per turn.
Password: 97661969
Printings Maximum Gold: El Dorado (MGED-EN121) - 2021-11-19
2021 Tin of Ancient Battles (MP21-EN019) - 2021-10-01
Ignition Assault (IGAS-EN048) - 2020-01-31