YuGiOh: Dimension Fusion

Yu-Gi-Oh Card: Dimension Fusion
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Dimension Fusion
Type: Normal Spell
Text: Pay 2000 LP; each player Special Summon as many of their banished monsters as possible.
Password: 23557835
Printings Quarter Century Bonanza (RA03-EN136) - 2024-11-07
Dark Revelations Volume 2 (DR2-EN095) - 2005-10-20
Invasion of Chaos (IOC-EN094) - 2004-03-01
Previous Text
First Appeared

Pay 2000 Life Points. Both players Special Summon as many of their removed from play monsters as possible.2005-10-20

Pay 2000 Life Points. Both players Special Summon as many of their monsters as possible that have been removed from play.2004-03-01