YuGiOh: Clear Vice Dragon

Yu-Gi-Oh Card: Clear Vice Dragon
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Clear Vice Dragon
Type: Effect Monster
Sub-Type: Dragon
Attribute: DARK
Level: 8
ATK: ?
DEF: 0
Text: You are unaffected by the effects of "Clear World". If this card attacks an opponent's monster, the ATK of this card becomes twice the ATK of the attack target, during damage calculation only. If this card would be destroyed by an opponent's card effect, you can discard 1 card instead.
Password: 97811903
Printings Maze of the Master Booster Pack (MZTM-EN071) - 2025-03-14
Legendary Collection 2: Mega-Pack (LCGX-EN209) - 2011-10-04
Stardust Overdrive (SOVR-EN098) - 2009-11-17