YuGiOh: Gladiator Beast War Chariot

Yu-Gi-Oh Card: Gladiator Beast War Chariot
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Gladiator Beast War Chariot
Type: Counter Trap
Text: When an Effect Monster's effect is activated, if you control a face-up "Gladiator Beast" monster: Negate the activation and destroy it.
Password: 96216229
Printings Maze of the Master Booster Pack (MZTM-EN105) - 2025-03-14
Ra Yellow Mega-Pack (RYMP-EN113) - 2012-02-21
Legendary Collection 2: Mega-Pack (LCGX-EN266) - 2011-10-04
Turbo Pack : Booster 3 (TU03-EN019) - 2010-07-12
The Duelist Genesis (TDGS-EN074) - 2008-09-02