YuGiOh: Herald of Green Light

Yu-Gi-Oh Card: Herald of Green Light
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Herald of Green Light
Type: Effect Monster
Sub-Type: Fairy
Attribute: LIGHT
Level: 2
ATK: 300
DEF: 500
Text: Send this card and 1 other Fairy-Type monster from your hand to the Graveyard to activate this effect. Negate the activation of your opponent's Spell Card and destroy it. This effect can be activated during either player's turn.
Password: 21074344
Printings Maze of the Master Booster Pack (MZTM-EN062) - 2025-03-14
Structure Deck: Wave of Light (SR05-EN020) - 2018-01-19
Battle Pack 3: Monster League (BP03-EN022) - 2014-08-01
Dark Revelations Volume 4 (DR04-EN198) - 2007-11-14
Enemy of Justice (EOJ-EN018) - 2006-05-17