YuGiOh: Malevolent Catastrophe

Yu-Gi-Oh Card: Malevolent Catastrophe
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Malevolent Catastrophe
Type: Normal Trap
Text: When an opponent's monster declares an attack: Destroy all Spell and Trap Cards on the field.
Password: 01224927
Printings Speed Duel: Battle City Finals (SBC2-END18) - 2023-12-13
Duelist Pack: Battle City (DPBC-EN036) - 2015-06-19
Noble Knights of the Round Table Box Set (NKRT-EN033) - 2014-11-21
Cyber Dragon Revolution Structure Deck (SDCR-EN034) - 2014-02-07
Legendary Collection 4: Mega-Pack (LCJW-EN136) - 2013-10-11
Legendary Collection 3: Mega-Pack (LCYW-EN148) - 2012-10-02
Marik Structure Deck (SDMA-EN035) - 2010-10-19
Rise of the Dragon Lords Structure Deck (SDRL-EN032) - 2007-10-24