YuGiOh: Rivalry of Warlords

Yu-Gi-Oh Card: Rivalry of Warlords
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Rivalry of Warlords
Type: Continuous Trap
Text: Each player can only control 1 Type of monster. Send all other face-up monsters they control to the GY.
Password: 90846359
Printings Quarter Century Bonanza (RA03-EN075) - 2024-11-07
King's Court Booster Pack (KICO-EN058) - 2021-07-09
Hidden Summoners (HISU-EN059) - 2018-11-16
Samurai Warlords Structure Deck (SDWA-EN033) - 2012-06-26
Gold Series 1 (GLD1-EN043) - 2008-04-02
Dark Revelations Volume 1 (DR1-EN103) - 2005-03-19
Magician's Force (MFC-048) - 2003-10-10
Previous Text
First Appeared

Each player sends monsters they control to the Graveyard so that they only control 1 Type of monster. Each player can only control 1 Type of monster.2008-04-02

Each player sends monsters from his/her side of the field to the Graveyard so that he/she only controls 1 Type of monster. As long as this card remains on the field, each player can only have 1 Type of monster at a time.2005-03-19

Each player must send monsters from his/her side of the field to the Graveyard so that he/she only controls 1 Type of face-up monster. As long as this card remains face-up on the field, each player can only Summon or control 1 Type of face-up monster at a time.2003-10-10