YuGiOh: Mystical Space Typhoon

Yu-Gi-Oh Card: Mystical Space Typhoon
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Mystical Space Typhoon
Type: Quick-Play Spell
Text: Target 1 Spell/Trap on the field; destroy that target.
Password: 05318639
Printings 25th Anniversary Rarity Collection II Booster Pack (RA02-EN048) - 2024-05-24
Speed Duel GX: Midterm Destruction (SGX4-END14) - 2024-03-29
2 Player Starter Set (STAX-EN024) - 2024-01-25
Speed Duel: Battle City Finals (SBC2-ENG12) - 2023-12-13
Hidden Arsenal: Chapter 1 (HAC1-EN023) - 2022-03-11
Sacred Beast Structure Deck (SDSA-EN033) - 2020-07-09
Duel Overload Booster Pack (DUOV-EN086) - 2020-03-19
Legendary Hero Deck B (LEHD-ENB23) - 2018-10-13
Starter Deck: Codebreaker (YS18-EN026) - 2018-07-13
Starter Deck: Link Strike (YS17-EN024) - 2017-07-21
Legendary Decks II: Joey's Deck (LDK2-ENJ32) - 2016-10-07
Starter Deck: Yuya (YS16-EN025) - 2016-05-27
Wing Raiders (WIRA-EN051) - 2016-02-12
Master of Pendulum Structure Deck (SDMP-EN031) - 2015-12-04
Astral Pack 8 (AP08-EN002) - 2015-10-23
High-Speed Riders Booster Pack (HSRD-EN053) - 2015-10-02
Saber Force Starter Deck (YS15-ENF16) - 2015-05-29
Dark Legion Starter Deck (YS15-ENL17) - 2015-05-29
Super Starter: Space-Time Showdown (YS14-EN024) - 2014-07-11
Premium Gold (PGLD-EN079) - 2014-03-28
Cyber Dragon Revolution Structure Deck (SDCR-EN026) - 2014-02-07
Starter Deck: Yugi Reloaded (YSYR-EN028) - 2013-12-06
Starter Deck: Kaiba Reloaded (YSKR-EN032) - 2013-12-06
Legendary Collection 4: Mega-Pack (LCJW-EN285) - 2013-10-11
Super Starter: V for Victory (YS13-ENV12) - 2013-06-14
Legendary Collection 3: Mega-Pack (LCYW-EN062) - 2012-10-02
Gold Series 5: Haunted Mine (GLD5-EN038) - 2012-06-12
Battle Pack: Epic Dawn (BP01-EN068) - 2012-05-28
Starter Deck: Xyz Symphony (YS12-EN024) - 2012-04-17
Starter Deck: Dawn of the Xyz (YS11-EN024) - 2011-07-12
Marik Structure Deck (SDMA-EN020) - 2010-10-19
Gold Series 3 (GLD3-EN040) - 2010-06-23
Duelist League 2010 Prize Cards (DL09-EN014) - 2010-06-12
Warrior's Strike Structure Deck (SDWS-EN023) - 2009-10-27
Dark Legends (DLG1-EN058) - 2008-11-21
Retro Pack 1 (RP01-EN057) - 2008-07-08
Dark Emperor Structure Deck (SDDE-EN019) - 2008-04-02
Duelist Pack 4: Zane Truesdale (DP04-EN015) - 2007-03-07
Machine Re-volt Structure Deck (SD10-EN024) - 2007-01-17
Dinosaur's Rage Structure Deck (SD09-EN023) - 2006-10-20
Lord of the Storm Structure Deck (SD8-EN019) - 2006-07-12
Invincible Fortress Structure Deck (SD7-EN017) - 2006-05-15
Hobby League 2 (HL2-EN002) - 2006-05-01
Spellcaster's Judgement Structure Deck (SD6-EN018) - 2006-01-18
Warrior's Triumph Structure Deck (SD5-EN020) - 2005-10-28
Fury from the Deep Structure Deck (SD4-EN016) - 2005-05-09
Blaze of Destruction Structure Deck (SD3-EN015) - 2005-05-09
Zombie Madness Structure Deck (SD2-EN014) - 2005-01-01
Dragon's Roar Structure Deck (SD1-EN011) - 2005-01-01
Dark Beginnings 1 (DB1-EN031) - 2004-10-12
Starter Deck: Yugi Evolution (SYE-037) - 2004-03-01
Starter Deck: Pegasus (SDP-032) - 2003-03-30
Magic Ruler (MRL-EN047) - 2002-09-16
Previous Text
First Appeared

Destroy 1 Spell or Trap Card on the field.2002-09-16